Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Okay, so I saw this today, and my immediate reaction was OMG WTF? Because that’s pretty much white Jell-O with eyes. Really. But apparently it’s a “Blobfish” (original right?) So here’s what it is:


“The Blobfish inhabits the deep waters off the coasts of Australia and Tasmania. Due to the inaccessibility of its habitat, humans rarely see it. Blobfish are found at depths where the pressure is several dozens of times higher than at sea level. To remain buoyant, the flesh of the Blobfish is primarily a gelatinous mass with a density slightly less than water; which allows the fish to float above the sea floor without expending energy on swimming. The relative lack of muscle is not a disadvantage as it primarily swallows edible matter that floats by in front it.” –Wikipedia


I have officially decided I want a Blobfish for Father’s day, and YES I am aware that I’m not a father, but STILL. It’s closer than my birthday. And I will be the only parent to that poor blobfish, so it’s kind of the same. And plus, I’m pretty sure that a blobfish is cheaper than a dirty diseased orphan or a puppy, and I am kind of strapped for cash.


Anyways I have to go buy a blobfish tank and blobfish litterbox, but here’s a last picture:

That’s right. I bought my blobfish a BOW. She’s to LOVE it. I've decided to name her Sheila, in  honor of her Australian heritage. But now I’m thinking, as an immigrant, she might feel excluded from other CANADIAN blobfishes, so her full name will be: Sheila Moose-Beaver Insert-My-Last-Name-Here-So-She-Feels-Like-Part-Of-The-Family-But-No-Way-Am-I-Gonna-Tell-You-Random-Readers-It-Over-The-Internet-What-Do-You-Think- I-am-Stupid?-Seriously-Guys-God!


Blobfish HEARTS, emberaelle

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