Wednesday, May 26, 2010

So, I've decided to start a BLOG

The other day, I was talking to my pet elf, Danae, and she mentioned that my, um, "verbal diarrhea" was  something like how funny bloggers spoke/ranted. And I thought, hey, why not? I mean, I can expel all my random words onto a blog, and it temporarily shuts me up until i think of some more random shit, PLUS nobody is obliged to read it. (except for you, Danae) But then I thought of all the time and effort it takes to write in a blog every day and I almost gave up. I mean, typing is a lot of exercise for your fingers. I could get carpal tunnel! Seriously, you may laugh, but I don't wanna have to wear one of those stupid wrist guards, and everyone will be all "Did you break your wrist?" and I'll have to explain, which would suck, because really, they'll tune out after the first twenty minutes of me giving them in-depth descriptions of exactly WHERE it hurts, so they'll just think I broke it anyways. It's a waste of my time, really. And YOU, dear reader probably think this is a waste of yours... So I'm going to peace out... (which really, why do people say PEACE out? I mean wouldn't you want to say WAR out? or CANCER out? or SKINNY JEANS ON BOYS out? don't you want the BAD things to go OUT? but anyways, i digress...)


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